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Защита сервера - servsecurity
[ · Скриншот ] 24.09.2010, 18:20
Добавьте в autoexec.cfg строку
es_load servsecurity
 Перезагружаем сервер!

# Blocks harmful commands
Commands which can lag or crash the server
get blocked
# Blocks connection-flooders
Users who use a script that will automatically
reconnect to the server will get banned (by IP)
# Blocks the RCON-password-crash exploit
Blocks the exploits which can crash the server
after too many bad passwords
# Crashreporter [cstrike/addons/eventscripts/servsecurity/crashreport.txt]
Reports server crashes (this often includes server reboots)
# Blocks 'STEAM_ID_PENDING' users
# Checks the client-var "sv_cheats"
# Protects the RCON-password from changes
Категория: Защита | Добавил: vinilki | Теги: Защита сервера - servsecurity
Просмотров: 814 | Загрузок: 2 | Рейтинг: 5.0/2
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